I am in the process of transcribing some of the video data I have. Of course it is explained in many of the books I read on collecting data that this is a long process. I was very worried that with my change of amount of students for the group I was studying that I wouldn't have enough data. It was through reading the chapter on 'Writing about Data' (Holliday 2008 - Doing and Writing Qualitative Data) that I realise your data is what you make of it. Now after spending a few hours just transcribing 30 mins of one of my videos its exciting to see the 'themes' emerging and that what I felt initially as being a random and not very organized study is starting to make sense. Through the 'thick descriptions' of seemingly insignificant behaviours and words I realise as a teacher I don't often really 'see' what is going on with my students other than what they doing as regards to dance steps. Still I feel a bit behind now having underestimated the amount of data I do have and hope I get through it all in time. Starting to feel a bit more confident that I can in fact analyse data. Thanks Adrian Holliday! Anyone else working with video data?